Yes, I quoted an Owl City song in the title of this post... I like Owl City.
And the song has a lot of truth in it. You're not alone, and the future is right now. Stop waiting for something else to happen for you to be motivated or something. Right now is the time to act and do whatever it is you've dreamed of. At least start working toward it.
Those are just a few thoughts that have been going through my head lately. THERE"S NO BETTER TIME THAN RIGHT NOW TO BEGIN. To begin doing whatever it is that you KNOW you need to do!
Of course, this doesn't apply to everything... But many things like getting a career, letting go of the past, cleaning your room, working out, breaking a bad habit, getting better grades, and having a better attitude.
I know it's cliche but attitude REALLY is everything. Our reactions to difficult situations reflect who we really are. How you behave should reflect your beliefs. If you believe that violence is wrong you aren't gonna go around beating people up, right? Because the point of believing that is to make a statement and hopefully with how you are behaving you can get more people to believe what you believe.
Today is the day to start. TODAY. Today you can look out at the dark, rainy day and say "This is beautiful." Because, well, IT IS! Rain grows things, rain brings rainbows, rain makes it better. RAIN IS BEAUTIFUL.
Life is learning to dance in the rain. Not mope around singing "Rain, rain, go away." Enjoy it. Next thing you know you could be stranded in a desert dreaming of that rain. Don't take those tough times in life for granted. They're helping you GROW. They are sustaining you. Ups and downs just mean you're alive. It's all going to work out wonderfully. Just TRUST. <3
-Joyously Devoted To Jesus-
-Herachio Joy-